Category: Vaping News

Yorkshire Cancer Research Encourages Vaping

Yorkshire Cancer Research Encourages Vaping

Yorkshire Cancer Research has delivered updated advice about e-cigarettes, vaping, and tobacco harm reduction, answering common questions with documented facts. Yorkshire Cancer Research has taken a leading role in educating the public about the benefits of switching from smoking to vaping, its new update is very welcome. Are e-cigarettes as dangerous as smoking? Yorkshire Cancer […]

Is TikTok Encouraging Vaping?

Is Tiktok Encouraging Teen Vaping?

Is TikTok Encouraging Vaping? Last week’s UK government’s independent Khan Review into tobacco policy strongly advocated for increased promotion of e-cigs and vaping to combat tobacco-related death. The report argued that politicians and the media should be positive about UK vapes and e-liquid, but fear stories spread across print and online news sources. They warned […]

Khan Review Supports Vaping In The UK

Khan Review Supports Uk Vaping

The UK’s independent review (Khan Review) into tobacco control has been completed, the report published, and almost everyone celebrated the support it gives to UK e-liquids and vaping. Sajid Javid, the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care ordered an independent review of tobacco control policy in the United Kingdom. It was carried out […]

Everyone Loves Vaping

Everyone Loves Vaping

Vaping has become a huge success it is because people love doing it – but could switching to vaping be a way of finding romance? Celebrities love vaping, the general public loves vaping, and electronic cigarettes have become the number one way to quit smoking in the United Kingdom because of the way it tastes […]

Where can I Vape on Holiday this Summer?

Where Can I Vape On Holiday This Summer 2022

An update on vape legislation around the world in preparation for summer holiday travel. Where can I Vape on Holiday this Summer? The United Kingdom leads the world in its approach to tobacco harm reduction and the use of electronic cigarettes. With the summer holiday season rapidly approaching, we are updating the situation regarding the […]

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