Category: Vaping News

It’s Time To Try Quitting For VApril

It’s Time To Try Quitting For Vapril In 2021

New research shows many ex-smokers lapsed back to tobacco due to Covid lockdown related stress. VApril offers up the opportunity to try quitting smoking for good. New research shows many ex-smokers lapsed back to tobacco due to Covid lockdown related stress. Plus, smokers yet to switch found they were smoking more the longer restrictions stayed […]

What Is Happening To Vaping In Europe

Vaping In Europe And Beyond

Europe is working on changing the way it taxes vape products and how it is going to legislate vaping in future. Meanwhile, the World Health Organization continues to ignore the benefits offered to public health by smokers switching to reduce their harmful exposure from tobacco use. A cross-party group in Parliament is looking to fight […]

PayPal Leaves the Vape Industry Behind

E-Liquids Uk Parting Ways With Paypal After 6 Years

E Liquids UK customers have contacted us asking what happened to the option to pay for orders by PayPal. Unfortunately, this has become an industry-wide issue and we responded promptly to ensure that secure alternative options are available. This article explains the events that led to this point. We first faced problems with PayPal back […]

How Well Do You Know Nicotine?

Do You Know Nicotine?

Research shows that nicotine is all-too-frequently confused with tobacco in the minds of the public. At the same time, this common compound is present in the food you eat, holds the potential to treat severe ailments and (in e-liquid) could save a billion smokers’ lives. “You Don’t Know Nicotine” is a new film that explores […]

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