Category: Vaping News

Klarna Drama – No More Vape & CBD Payments

Klarna Has Stopped Processing Payments For Vape And Cbd Products

It appears that problems are occurring with the Klarna payment system for customers attempting to buy vape products and for a growing number of vape businesses. We have taken action to ensure that your purchases will proceed smoothly by adopting alternative payment solutions. The History In 2019, Klarna set up payment systems for electronic cigarettes, […]

Will E-Cigs Be Banned From UK Beer Gardens?

Will The Uk Ban E-Cigs From Pub Beer Gardens?C

Efforts to ban the use of electronic cigarettes from pub beer gardens are being stepped up from many quarters – do you think it’s fair to ban vaping from such places? Efforts to ban the use of electronic cigarettes from pub beer gardens are being stepped up from many quarters. Local public health officials, companies […]

Why UK Vape Liquid Is Now Premium

Why Uk Vape Liquid Is Now

The regulations, quality ingredients and our desire to produce the very best e-liquid in the world mean that the United Kingdom now produces the most trustworthy premium vape liquid you can buy. The regulations, quality ingredients, and desire to produce the very best e-liquid in the world means the United Kingdom produces the most trustworthy […]

Updated Guidance on Vaping for Healthcare Professionals

Revised Guidance For Healthcare Professionals About Vaping

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence and Public Health England has issued updated guidelines on vaping for healthcare professionals. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has issued draft guidance for healthcare professionals giving them clear information about vaping. The move comes as NICE opens up a consultation period aimed at […]

UK Data Shows Teens Are Not Turning To Vaping

Uk Data Is Showing That Teenagers Are Not All Vaping

One of the most commonly used arguments against vaping or relaxing legislation is the fear of encouraging teens to start vaping. UK data shows there is nothing to fear. Tobacco controllers who have turned their attention to any use of nicotine frequently cite that a cautionary approach must be made to ‘protect the children. They […]

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