Category: Vaping News

Comprehensive E-Cigarette Evidence Review

New Vaping Evidence Released

A team of independent experts including Professors Raymond Niaura, Pietro Ferrara, and Riccardo Polosa have conducted a scoping review, looking at all of the research studies examining the health outcomes from vaping. They say there is nothing new to question the consensus that e-cigs are safer than smoking. The United Kingdom has supported smokers switching […]

FRESH & BALANCE Highlights Stoptober

Stoptober 2021 - Will You Make The Switch To Vaping?

North-East regional tobacco control programme FRESH and BALANCE highlights the ongoing need for the Stoptober campaign to help smokers successfully switch to vaping. The impact of smoking on the United Kingdom stretches beyond treatment costs, running into hundreds of millions of pounds. In Sunderland along, the cost of smoking (combined with alcohol) costs the city […]

Wales Is Now Promoting Vaping

Wales Is Now Promoting Vaping To Help People Quit Smoking

After years of the Welsh Senedd pushing against tobacco harm reduction, Wales now promotes vaping to smokers and is proving crucial to driving down smoking rates. NHS Wales is building on the success experienced in England to include advice about electronic cigarettes as part of its Help Me Quit service. Since April 2020, there has […]

Stoptober 2021 – Will You Make The Switch?

Stoptober 2021 - Will You Make The Switch To Vaping?

Public Health England is holding its 10th Stoptober to encourage tobacco users to stop smoking or swap to the less harmful vaping alternative. With ten years in the bag, 2.3 million tobacco users have now successfully made quit attempts thanks to the campaign. There are over 6 million smokers left using tobacco each day in […]

New Vaping and Mental Health Research

New Vaping &Amp; Mental Health Research

A new study from the Yale School of Public Health shows the mental health benefits of switching to vaping. A team of researchers at the Yale School of Public Health have produced estimates from their study that providing patients with depression with the tools to quit smoking could save as many as 125,000 lives over […]

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