Category: Site News

Vape Tax Proposals Could Hit Britain’s 2.9 Million Vapers

Vape Tax Proposals Could Hit Britain'S 2.9 Million Vapers

The Conservative government has pledged to find an additional £20 Billion for the NHS, for which sadly somewhat unsurprisingly it seems their initial instinct is to find new ways to tax people for their pleasures.  As a part of the so-called “sin tax”, the current proposals suggest a tax which would see the estimated 2.9 […]

Three Myths Surrounding Vaping

Three Myths Surround Vaping

Ever since their invention near the beginning of the millennium, e-cigarettes and vaping in general have been the subject of a great deal of controversy over their safety and efficacy. Typically touted as an effective way of quitting smoking, the jury has been out as to whether they live up to their purpose. Indeed, public […]

No ID, No Sale! Our New Age Verification System


England, Wales and Scotland have introduced a law that prohibits the sale of e-cigarettes to those under 18 and we expect to see similar laws introduced in Northern Ireland very soon. As we are a 100% online vape shop this makes our job of verifying peoples age that little bit more difficult. While we were […]

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