Category: Politics & Campaigns

Who Is Promoting The Right To Vape?

Who Is Promoting The Right To Vape?

Many people are working behind the scenes to promote e-cigarette use as a harm reduction tool from politicians to the media but who are they? We look at the charities, consumer groups and trade bodies that are busy fighting vaping’s corner. As vaping grew around the world so too did the number of organisations set […]

Cancer Research UK Provides Clarity on Vaping

Cancer Research Uk Provides Clarity On Vaping Legislation

Cancer Research UK has provided timely clarity about electronic cigarettes as the government considers how to change how we regulate them. Cancer Research UK (CRUK) has advocated the use of e-cigarettes for a number of years. Now, as the government is considering how vape legislation might be changed, the body details precisely what we do […]

What Do Politicians Think About Electronic Cigarettes?

Looking At What Politicians Understand About E-Cigs

The European Commission put its Beating Cancer plan to the European Parliament to allow the politicians to compile a report detailing amendments and finalising a strategy for the block to combat the scourge of cancer. The plan was widely lambasted by nicotine consumer groups for its poor treatment of vaping and tobacco harm reduction in […]

The Tobacco Control Mindset

The Tobacco Control Mindset

Many working in tobacco control see nicotine use as the new battlefront, we look at what experts are saying about the approach that would deny e-cigarettes to smokers. The evidence is clear: vaping is at least 95% safer than smoking according to Public Health England, and switching from cigarettes to e-cigs is fully supported by […]

Parliament Listens To Experts

Parliament’s Vaping Group Informed About The Who Fctc Ahead Of International Cop9 Summit

The UK Parliament’s All-party Parliamentary Group for Vaping (APPG) has heard from a select group of experts on the subject of vaping, harm reduction, and the World Health Organization’s forthcoming international summit. Participants included the Director General of the UK Vaping Industry Association (UKVIA), Professor Gerry Stimson, Clive Bates and Daniel Pryor. The APPG for […]

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