Category: Industry Research

Vape Industry Research and Impact

Since 2020 we’ve been writing articles based on research conducted on the vaping industry and the impact it’s had on us as a society. We feel it’s extremely important to provide our readers with updates on leading research into smoking cessation technology, upcoming laws and regulations which could change the way our industry operates.

Does Vaping Get A Fair Press?

Does Vaping Get A Fair Press?

Newspapers and television carry many stories about electronic cigarettes and vaping – but do they give tobacco harm reduction a fair deal? As vaping has grown in popularity so has the divide in the scientific community. With most news stories in the media originating from press releases, a question has been asked recently about the […]

Reviewing The Safety of Vaping

Reviewing The Safety Of Vaping

We are reviewing the safety of Vaping. With over ten years of use in the UK, some people still object to the NHS supporting vaping as a quit smoking option. What ought to be clear to everyone, smoking is very dangerous so UK public health bodies all fully endorse the use of electronic cigarettes to […]

Is Vaping In UK Schools A Problem?

Is Vaping In Uk Schools A Problem?

“Anecdotal reports from teachers suggest that underage vaping is becoming increasingly common,” reports the Times Educational Supplement, a newspaper for educators. Research from Action on Smoking and Health suggests it isn’t a widespread issue, and researchers at University College London believe those who do vape aren’t at risk of smoking later in life. What did […]

Research Finds More Nicotine Benefits

Research Finds More Nicotine Benefits

Nicotine is frequently attacked in the press and by campaigners with a vested interest. Because of its links to smoking, people who are morally opposed to vaping have used nicotine to sleight tobacco harm reduction. The latest research reveals new nicotine benefits for the chemical compound which will be useful to combat the anti-nicotine / […]

Do Music Videos Make Teens Vape?

Do Music Videos Encourage Teens To Vape?

Are music videos corrupting our teens and enticing them into a world of vaping? That is what American researchers and a national newspaper think. Despite anecdotal stories, harm reduction experts point to a different story taking place. What did the researchers do? Rather than just look at evidence of vaping in music videos, they sought […]

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