Category: Industry Research

Vape Industry Research and Impact

Since 2020 we’ve been writing articles based on research conducted on the vaping industry and the impact it’s had on us as a society. We feel it’s extremely important to provide our readers with updates on leading research into smoking cessation technology, upcoming laws and regulations which could change the way our industry operates.

Could Vaping Save The NHS Billions Each Year

Can E-Cigarettes Save The Nhs £2.6 Billion?

With the annual NHS push to get smokers to switch or quit underway, we ask if vaping has the potential to save the health service £2.6 billion. It is now accepted that electronic cigarettes pose a fraction of the risk of smoking, and studies show they work 3-6 times better than nicotine replacement products like […]

Are E-Liquid Flavours Important?

Are E-Liquid Flavours Important?

There is a huge choice of different flavoured e-liquids, but do we need them? Some researchers produce surprising findings in Europe that help them to argue for banning all but tobacco juices, but more solid evidence from the UK demonstrates that smokers may begin with tobacco e-liquids but move on to sweeter flavours to help […]

More Positive Findings from Oxford University

More Positive Findings On Vaping From Oxford University

Oxford University’s Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (CEBM) has published the latest update to the Cochrane review of electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation. This “living systematic review” is an evolving summary of the research surrounding the products stocked by every UK vape shop, blending the latest studies into summary recommendations. The CEBM is part of Oxford […]

Rethinking Addiction and Dependance

Rethinking Addiction And Dependance

Caitlin Notley, a Fellow of the UK Society for the Study of Addiction at the Norwich Medical School, argues that we need to rethink ‘addiction’ and ‘dependence’. Following on from a study looking at how people view nicotine and addiction, Professor Notley argues that “nicotine addiction” is a loaded term that doesn’t reflect the real […]

Comprehensive E-Cigarette Evidence Review

New Vaping Evidence Released

A team of independent experts including Professors Raymond Niaura, Pietro Ferrara, and Riccardo Polosa have conducted a scoping review, looking at all of the research studies examining the health outcomes from vaping. They say there is nothing new to question the consensus that e-cigs are safer than smoking. The United Kingdom has supported smokers switching […]

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