Category: Health Studies

Health Studies on Vaping & Smoking

Vaping has become a way of life for many people in the UK who have chosen to put down their cigarettes and opt for a healthier and cheaper way of life.

We all know the vast array of health implications caused by smoking. While endless research has proved “Vaping is around 95% less harmful than smoking” studies and research groups are still making groundbreaking efforts to highlight the effects. This is to ensure consumers can make factual based health and lifestyle choices.

Free Vape Kits For Pregnant Smokers

Free Vape Kits For Pregnant Smokers In The Uk

Free vape starter kits are being provided to pregnant women in Lambeth, a borough in South London. The action has been taken to help improve the lives of families and save them money by eliminating the need and desire to purchase tobacco products. Councillors believe the move will improve lives by eliminating the harm posed […]

Are Vapers Exposed To Toxic Heavy Metals?

Are Vapers Exposed To Toxic Heavy Metals?

A comprehensive critical review of published research looking at the exposure of vapers to toxic heavy metals has been conducted by leading vape experts Professors Soulet and Sussman. They discovered that researchers almost always adopt poor methods to obtain results and therefore their findings frequently report overestimated exposure levels or results that are irrelevant and […]

Dual Use Myths Discredited

Dual Use Myths Discredited

Smokers are being dissuaded from switching to e-cigs and UK vapers are worried about vaping with misinformation about dual use, but is it bad? A story is circulating in the media that dual use of cigarettes and UK vapes are bad, with some American commentators even going so far as to suggest it is better […]

Does Vaping Carry A Serious Risk?

Does Vaping Carry A Serious Risk?

The Observer newspaper ran an editorial last week that stated vaping with e-cigarettes poses a “serious risk”. The article, “The Observer view on the dangers of assuming vaping is a safe alternative to smoking”, contained multiple factual errors, and smoking cessation experts have pointed out that the editorial misrepresents research and opinion. What did the […]

Switching To Vaping Can Improve Mental Health

Switching To Vaping Can Improve Mental Health

The World Health Organisation’s World Mental Health Day takes place this week. UK experts say that tobacco places an unfair health inequality on those experiencing mental health problems and that switching from smoking to vaping can play a part in improving mental health. What is World Mental Health Day? This is the day when the […]

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