Category: Health Studies

Health Studies on Vaping & Smoking

Vaping has become a way of life for many people in the UK who have chosen to put down their cigarettes and opt for a healthier and cheaper way of life.

We all know the vast array of health implications caused by smoking. While endless research has proved “Vaping is around 95% less harmful than smoking” studies and research groups are still making groundbreaking efforts to highlight the effects. This is to ensure consumers can make factual based health and lifestyle choices.

The Proposed Ban on Menthol Cigarettes

Menthol Cigarettes Banned In 2020

In 2020, the European Union’s Tobacco Product Directive will come into effect. The TPD is essentially a crackdown on the tobacco companies and their products, as part of the EU’s drive to improve health and welfare. Among the many conditions of the directive is a proposed ban on all menthol cigarettes, due to the higher […]

Does Vaping Help Users Quit Smoking

Researching Into Vaping

A team at King’s College London’s Department of Addictions has done a study into why smokers make the switch to vape products, and why they sometimes swap back. The results of the study were published in this month’s Drug and Alcohol Dependence journal. Getting down to it The study is titled “What factors are associated […]

Three Myths Surrounding Vaping

Three Myths Surround Vaping

Ever since their invention near the beginning of the millennium, e-cigarettes and vaping in general have been the subject of a great deal of controversy over their safety and efficacy. Typically touted as an effective way of quitting smoking, the jury has been out as to whether they live up to their purpose. Indeed, public […]

British Psychological Society Backs E-Cigarettes

British Psychological Society Back E-Cigarettes

The British Psychological Society has joined a growing number of official British organisations that are now supporting the use of electronic cigarettes. Electronic cigarettes can help people to stop smoking and can achieve dramatic health improvements by doing so. A new report has led to this endorsement as a means to fight against the 96,000 […]

New Study Finds Drugs Alone Will Not Help Smokers Quit

University Of California San Diego School Of Medicine

A study from the University of California San Diego School of Medicine has found that clinical trials demonstrate medication is not enough on its own to help smokers give up. The study found that the use of Varenicline, Bupropion and nicotine replacement techniques did not have the hoped-for effect of doubling smoking cessation rates in […]

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