Category: Health Studies

Health Studies on Vaping & Smoking

Vaping has become a way of life for many people in the UK who have chosen to put down their cigarettes and opt for a healthier and cheaper way of life.

We all know the vast array of health implications caused by smoking. While endless research has proved “Vaping is around 95% less harmful than smoking” studies and research groups are still making groundbreaking efforts to highlight the effects. This is to ensure consumers can make factual based health and lifestyle choices.

Searching For Facts – Where Is The Truth About Vaping?

Searching For The Truth About Vaping

Smokers wondering if they should switch, vapers seeking reassurance they’ve made the right choice, parents wanting to be educated and the public at large will probably go to the world’s leading internet search engine. But are the results it throws up something to rely on? For our challenge, we used a private browser window and […]

How Well Do You Know Nicotine?

Do You Know Nicotine?

Research shows that nicotine is all-too-frequently confused with tobacco in the minds of the public. At the same time, this common compound is present in the food you eat, holds the potential to treat severe ailments and (in e-liquid) could save a billion smokers’ lives. “You Don’t Know Nicotine” is a new film that explores […]

Expert Reactions to COVID-19 & Vaping

Expert Reactions To Covid-19 &Amp; Vaping

University of Nottingham’s Professor Ian Hall, Warwick Medical School’s Dr James Gill, University of East Anglia’s Dr Caitlin Notley, and University College London’s Professor Robert West have responded to questions from journalists about vaping, smoking and COVID-19. Professor Ian Hall, Professor of Molecular Medicine at the University of Nottingham, said: “The most likely explanation for […]

Vaping Could Lower Your Insurance Costs

Vaping Could Lower Your Insurance Costs

A report from Public Health England issued late in 2018 concluded that vaping is around 95% less harmful than smoking. And this fantastic news is feeding into massive cuts in the prices vapers pay for critical illness insurance and life insurance. Vapers can now pay the same personal insurance rates as non-smokers for health insurance. […]

Number of Older Smokers in the UK Increase For the First Time In Years

Number Of Older Smokers In The Uk Increase For The First Time In Years

Reasons for growing numbers of adult smokers in the UK Recent research from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) has highlighted that smoking rates for older adults grew from 16.1% in 2016 to 16.8% in 2017, which is a reversal of the downward trend that had consistently been seen for many years. These stats were […]

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