Category: Health Studies

Health Studies on Vaping & Smoking

Vaping has become a way of life for many people in the UK who have chosen to put down their cigarettes and opt for a healthier and cheaper way of life.

We all know the vast array of health implications caused by smoking. While endless research has proved “Vaping is around 95% less harmful than smoking” studies and research groups are still making groundbreaking efforts to highlight the effects. This is to ensure consumers can make factual based health and lifestyle choices.

Updated Guidance on Vaping for Healthcare Professionals

Revised Guidance For Healthcare Professionals About Vaping

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence and Public Health England has issued updated guidelines on vaping for healthcare professionals. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has issued draft guidance for healthcare professionals giving them clear information about vaping. The move comes as NICE opens up a consultation period aimed at […]

UK Makes The Safest Vape Liquid

Uk Now Makes The Safest Vape Liquid

The UK already produced the safest e-liquid in the world prior to us implementing the European Union’s Tobacco Products Directive. With strict laws and a Yellow Card system in place, e-liquid users can be assured of its safety. The UK already produced the safest eliquid in the world prior to us implementing the European Union’s […]

Should Pregnant Women Be Vaping?

Should Pregnant Women Vape E-Cigarettes?

All the experts accept that smoking is bad for pregnant mothers and their babies, but what is the advice about switching to vaping? All the experts accept that smoking is bad for pregnant mothers and their babies, but what is the advice about switching to vaping? Neonatal and maternal mortality, cot death and underweight babies, […]

Formaldehyde In Vapes… Is It A Concern?

Do I Need To Be Worried About Formaldehyde?

One of the most common half-truths spread about vaping is the fear that it produces formaldehyde – but what do the experts believe? One of the most common half-truths spread about vaping is the fear that it produces formaldehyde. Stories are spread in the media that try to whip up fear of electronic cigarettes, and […]

Is Vaping Bad for your Heart?

Is Vaping Bad For Your Heart?

One of the most common half-truths spread about vaping is the fear that it produces formaldehyde – but what do the experts believe? There can’t be a single smoker or e-cigarette user who hasn’t seen a newspaper scare story linking vaping to heart attacks. How did researchers come up with those findings and what do […]

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