Category: Getting Started

Getting Started Vape Guides & Articles

Vape Starter Kits (Quit Smoking)Our Getting Started guides & articles are here to help you with all the daunting questions you have about vaping. Learn from the best and make the transition of quitting smoking much easier. We cover a range of topics such as is it legal to vape while driving? or Is vaping expensive? both commonly asked questions and loads of useful bitesize pieces of information that you will no doubt think about during your vaping journey.

Also, don’t forget our friendly customer support staff or always on hand to answer any questions you might have via email [email protected].

A Beginners Guide to Vaping

A Beginners Guide To Vaping

Everything You Need to Know About E-Cigarettes If you are new to vaping, you may be wondering where to start. This beginner’s guide to vaping will teach you everything you need to know about electronic cigarettes, from the basics of how they work to more advanced concepts like rebuildable atomisers.  We’ll also discuss the different […]

Where Can You Vape in the UK?

Where Can You Vape In The Uk?

Where Can You Vape? With many people switching over from smoking to vaping in the last couple of months, we answer the most popular questions. January heralded the NHS’s Quit Campaign and the push to get smokers to switch to vaping has continued into February. With many smokers having swapped cigarettes for vape devices and e-liquids, […]

How To Use Your Vape Kit Safely

How To Use Your New Vape Kit Safely

A recent story in the news highlights the need to make sure you use your vape kit safely including the accessories it comes with such as batteries. A recent story in the news details how a woman using her electronic cigarette mod and tank ran into problems. The article highlights how we need to take […]

10 Reasons Why People Think Vaping Is Bad?

10 Reasons Why People Think Vaping Is Bad

Despite mounting evidence from the UK showing that vaping is at least 95% safer than smoking and works as a quit tool, some still strongly oppose e-cigs and tobacco harm reduction. Mounting independent evidence from the United Kingdom shows that vaping is “at least 95% safer” than smoking, according to Public Health England and the […]

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